Working at Height training
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Published on
May 31, 2023
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If you’re like me, you want to make sure that you do your job properly. Professionally there’s nothing worse than making the wrong call. Legally, making the wrong decision can be even more catastrophic. Managing people who work at height can be an absolute minefield. People’s lives, the wellbeing of their families, company reputation, profits and legal standing are all at stake. Anyone who has carried this responsibility will hopefully agree.

My aim with this article is to make sure that you are aware of a potential pitfall which many people stumble into. Sound helpful? Let’s consider the situation:


Whatever your industry, be it telecoms, construction, renewable energy or another, many people end up in a management position, responsible for others working at height. Site managers, supervisors, health and safety managers and many other roles involve making sure that work is carried out safely and efficiently. If that’s you, you’re probably responsible for producing risk assessments, method statements and possibly rescue plans. You may be on site supervising workers at height or you may be office based, defining safe working practices and maintaining compliance with the relevant guidance and legislation.

Unfortunately many people in your position aren’t competent to make the right decisions. At worst they’ve done no training at all. At best some managers have been on a work at height training course. However, this usually takes place over just one day, and is designed to equip people who are actually carrying out work themselves. Such a course is perfectly suitable for someone who’s going to be “on the tools”. A good trainer can tailor the content to meet their needs while still covering the whole curriculum. But such a course can’t realistically prepare someone to effectively plan and manage a wide range of different work at height scenarios, have an essential, in-depth understanding of the relevant legislation and identify poor work practice. That takes more specific training.


A training course specifically tailored to managing work at height is needed. The City & Guilds Understanding Planning, Supervising and Managing Working at Height (Level 3) course aims to meet that need. It’s an accredited two day course which covers everything you need to know to keep others safe and efficient while working at height. Reax offer this course with a combination of theoretical and practical training; a rare combination as many providers treat it as a purely classroom based exercise, an approach which does not equip candidates sufficiently. This course is no mere attendance exercise either. Candidates are assessed by an independent assessor to ensure the highest possible standards are achieved.

In conclusion, you need to be sufficiently trained to manage others who are working at height. A standard work at height course really does not suffice. The City & Guilds course offers an in-depth, thorough ways for companies to ensure they are operating safely and in a cost effective manner.

For more details please get in touch.

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